From the technique and the design project to the information design


  • Jaime Eduardo Álzate Sanz


Interdisciplinary nature, research, functionalism, symbolism, subject and object


Design, today considered a discipline in which various fields of knowledge converge, has evolved from a technical profession to consolidate into an interdisciplinary area supported by scientific theories. This article proposes a retrospective study from several milestones: the technique, the project, the functionalism, the symbolism and the information design. Although these facts do not address the history of design in all its dimensions, they allow an evolutionary view of the discipline, with the aim of reflecting on some of the aspects that have enriched its epistemic structure. It is concluded that it is important to create links between the work of design and the needs of the social subject in different scopes.

Author Biography

  • Jaime Eduardo Álzate Sanz

    Autor: Jaime Eduardo Alzate Sanz, Diseñador Visual de la Universidad de Caldas, Especialista en video y tecnologías offline online del MECAD, España, Magister en Diseño y Creación Interactiva, Candidato a Doctor en Diseño y Creación, de la Universidad de Caldas, Profesor investigador de la misma universidad, en el
    Departamento de Diseño Visual de la Facultad de Artes y Humanidades, Correos:,


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