Relation ship between creative environment and creative team on the Coffee Cluster Aeronáutico
Organizational creativity, co-working team, environment and innovationAbstract
Aeronautical Cluster Eje Cafetero, especially characterized by its high innovative character, CLARE has been integrated into the value chain in the aerospace sector in the framework of the policy of technological independence promoted by the Colombian Air Force. Therefore, the CLARE is presented as a field of study where it is possible to establish the relationship between the creative environment and creative team, because although they have been intentionally developed equipment and their environments, they have not been diagnosed or evaluated. The focus of this research is quantitative, descriptive and correlational crosssectional and sample of 11 companies belonging to the cluster. The results indicate that among the creative environment and creative team exist a direct, positive and highly significant correlation, which is based on the direct involvement of creative teams at innovation practices assumed as part of the organizational system and the net that they built.
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