Sketch of a Chronology of footwear as a social reference in the city of Pereira (1940-1990)
History, social representations, sign, icon, symbol, fashion, style and footwearAbstract
You make a historical description on footwear in Pereira, it is considered a crucial point from the field of fashion design, from the recognition and support that is given to such important items of everyday people; Also, it is necessary to provide a description of the historical development of the production process, use and footwear trends in the city of Pereira. Hence the intention of this text, affects at first to defend the importance of history and mainly to make the story a simple object, yet so significant; and a second time, on this rationale, identify its mark as a sign representing a basic sense of human existence in relation to the identity. So, it will be based on a semiotic analysis over the use of language as a sign and attribution of meanings, from semiotics Peirce relationship, which will establish the correspondence between identity and fashion; and the importance of building a history of footwear in the city of Pereira, as a reflection of cultural expressions, which seeks to recognize the shoes, beyond an everyday item, an iconic representation of social identities, cultural paradoxically as an expression of individuality, which are in fashion a space for reflection and analysis.
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