Methodological proposal for evaluation of performance facade lighting


  • Natalia Giraldo Vásquez
  • Lucas Arango Díaz


Architecture, glare, daylighting, classrooms


This paper presents a methodology to identify the optimal location and size of differents openings in a façade. The analysis was developed based on three variables: the evaluation of glare sensation, the daylight accessibility and solar accessibility. For the analysis was used a simplified model of classroom, facing north and located in the city of Medellín, Colombia (6.25° N, 75.5° W). Following a fractioned facade method the results were obtained through computer simulation in the program Apolux and geometric calculations of solar incidence. These results allowed the characterization of each fraction of the façade and define the type of strategy needed to improve the characteristics of the internal light environment.

Author Biographies

  • Natalia Giraldo Vásquez

    Magister en Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Arquitecta, estudios de doctorado en Ingeniería, docente Universidad de San Buenaventura Medellín, pertenece al grupo de investigación Hombre, proyecto y ciudad. Área de desempeño arquitectura bioclimática.

  • Lucas Arango Díaz

    Magister en Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Arquitecto, docente Universidad de San Buenaventura Medellín, pertenece al grupo de investigación Hombre, proyecto y ciudad. Área de desempeño arquitectura bioclimática.


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