Evaluation of the listening comfort in pedagogical environments at the catholic university of Manizales, Colombia


  • Lina Johanna Zapata González
  • Andrés Quiceno Hoyos
  • Oigot Zeng Huango


Comfort, acoustic, settings educational, pedagogical environments, ambient noise and time of reverberation


The listening comfort is an element that affects people’s health and their quality of life. The listening comfort may or may not benefit the teaching and learning processes. For that reason, this research shows the studies done regarding ambient noise and time of reverberation in the basic pedagogical internal environments located at the Catholic University of Manizales, which have been classified and analyzed according to the Colombian regulation NTC 4595 for the planning and design of facilities and educational settings. There have been studied twenty-two areas, which represent the general acoustic conditions in the campus. The results showed a compliance rate of 5% in both ambient noise and reverberation time, proving the need to implement policies and guidelines to improve soundproofing and acoustic conditioning, towards generate optimal learning spaces.

Author Biographies

  • Lina Johanna Zapata González

    Arquitecta Especialista en Medio Ambiente Visual e Iluminación Eficiente Magíster en Hábitat Sustentable y Eficiencia Energética Grupo de Investigación: Laboratorio de Urbanismo, Patrimonio y Arquitectura (LUPA) docente Universidad Católica de Manizales

  • Andrés Quiceno Hoyos

    Arquitecto, Magíster en Hábitat Sustentable y Eficiencia Energética perteneciente al Grupo de Investigación: Laboratorio de Urbanismo, Patrimonio y Arquitectura (LUPA) docente Universidad Católica de Manizales

  • Oigot Zeng Huango

    Arquitecta, participó como asistente de investigación en el año 2013-2014, en el proyecto Plan Maestro de Ordenamiento físico de la Universidad Católica de Manizales, adscrito al grupo de investigación, Laboratorio de Urbanismo, Patrimonio y Arquitectura (LUPA).


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