Social design as a strengthening strategy for the Buga community


  • Luz Stella Escobar Saldarriaga


Industrial design, weavers, diversification, referents, lighting


At the foundation “Ulpiano Tascón Quintero”, ladies of advanced age are gathered to learn about crochet weaving. The project that refers to this article
proposed to apply the weaving techniques for the design of a product line that allowed the diversification and productive strengthening of the women’s group of the Foundation. Industrial design responds to the methodological application of social and participatory design, supported by the methodology of referents, which manages to merge its perspectives, projections and objectives towards the process of creating new products. The result is a line of illumination in stay, woven in crochet and with a design inspired by the iguana as a reference of an animal protected and recognized in the city.

Author Biography

  • Luz Stella Escobar Saldarriaga

    Estudiante de último semestre del programa de diseño industrial Universidad Católica de Pereira


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