Mobility of the horse-drawn transport system in urban environment. Study case: Pereira City – Colombia
Urban transport, Mobility, traction carts, equine maltreatmentAbstract
This article presents the mobility of horse-drawn transport system in the city of Pereira, in function of the variables of slope gradient, speed, load and frequency of service, in order to diagnose the work system environment and labor conditions of the drivers. The technical functioning is analyzed through a mobility methodology. The data are systematized in the geographic information software and calculation processor. The maximum slopes gradients transited were of 8 to 25 %. The 42 % of systems transported loads of 10 to 500 kg of weight, on average speed between 0,29 y 3,58 km/h. The maximum travels in one day were of 6 to 10 in the 44 % the focus group. The fact that this type of transport exists implies that more research is needed on its technical and mobility aspects.
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