Social design: Trends, approaches and fields of action.


  • Adriana Bastidas
  • Helen Rocío Martínez


Human Centered Design, conscious design, strategic design, participatory design


Since the very origins of design as a profession and parallel to its development at service of industry and market, have also been expressed views about design as action mode centered in problem solving from people and society. This article seeks to contribute to the definition of the different variants and perspectives of action of social design, about development and historical transformation of this approach and the ways of thinking and action in that is based theoretically and methodologically, from the review to authors and publications that have opened the debate regarding the role of design in the progress of society, from the economic, technological, cultural and finally social aspects.

Author Biographies

  • Adriana Bastidas

    Diseñadora industrial de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia con Máster en Diseño de Producto. Docente investigadora perteneciente al grupo CEIDE centro de estudios interdisciplinarios para el desarrollo y Jefe de Área de Teoría e Historia en la Universidad Autónoma de Colombia.

  • Helen Rocío Martínez

    Diseñadora industrial de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia con Máster en Edición y Máster en Diseño y gestión de proyectos tecnológicos. Docente universitaria, vinculada como coinvestigadora en CEIDE Diseñadora industrial de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.


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