“The place incidence in the Chapel of Ronchamp”


  • Jaime Alberto Sarmiento Ocampo




Nature and architecture, Ronchamp Chapell, Place and landscape, Le Corbusier


The Chapel of Ronchamp was originated in one of Le Corbusier’s first visits to the place. At first, it seemed like a spontaneous birth, but in fact it took many years of incubation through the alternate exercises that the swiss master maintained through painting and sculpture, especially by a concept that he called the ‘acoustic form’ phenomenon, which was related to forms that were put in close relation with the surrounding space.

Author Biography

  • Jaime Alberto Sarmiento Ocampo

    Doctor en arquitectura, de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña; arquitecto y profesor asociado de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín; director de la maestría en arquitectura, de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín.


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