Properties of concretes and mortars modified with nanomaterials: State of the art


  • Luis Fernando Molina-Prieto
  • María Fernanda Garzón Castellanos



Nanoparticles, mechanical properties, chemical properties, concretes


The article studies some of the properties of the concrete modified with nanomaterials, being the most outstanding: increased compressive, flexural, traction and shear strength; increase of modulus of elasticity; reduction of porosity and permeability minimization; capacity of self-cleaning; better fluidity of the liquid mixture and improvement of plasticity. Emphasis is placed on six nanomaterialsas being the most used in the construction industry: Nano-silica, Titanium NanoDioxide, Nano-Magnetite, Calcium Nano-Carbonate, Aluminum Nano-Trioxide and Carbon Nanotubes. It is concluded that nanotechnology extends the potential of concrete and reduces its environmental impact, because it achieves greater mechanical resistance with smaller dimensions of the structural elements.

Author Biographies

  • Luis Fernando Molina-Prieto

    Profesor-Investigador Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad de América. Grupo de investigación territorio y habitabilidad

  • María Fernanda Garzón Castellanos

    Estudiante de séptimo semestre de Ingeniería Química, Universidad de América. Semillero de investigación Arquitectura Universidad de América


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