Architecture as mirror and reflection


  • Sebastián Pinto Quintero



Identity, recognize, utopia, city collage, symbiosis


Think and plan the cities, it has become a confrontation between positions that usually don’t work as the same construction: history and utopia, a traditional city that is a victim of population growth, a city that denies itself because of modern totalizing plans that destroy their identity. These two sides can work as a connector in the solution of all problems, the city seen as a collage, since it engages in a constant dialogue for balance. The city of today must be able to act as a mirror and reflection, recognizing and understanding the past as a source of identity, to achieve projection into the future as the result of the existing and the expectant, acting under the premise of wisdom and respect.

Author Biography

  • Sebastián Pinto Quintero

    Arquitecto Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Manizales. Estudiante de Maestría en Arquitectura y Urbanismo UCP.


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