Oscar Niemeyer: typological and morphological essays on the architecture of free forms


  • Luca Bullaro




Modern movement, Tropical architecture, Brazil, nature-artifice concatenation


The article analyzes some works by Oscar Niemeyer, selected for their plastic and conceptual innovation, and proposes a classification of these according to three different characteristics:

the first group brings together some projects whose genesis is developed from the definition of the plant, or the section; the third type is an overlap of the first two:

the design is born from the spatial fusion between planimetric and elevation footprint, and tries to give life to a new organic, four-dimensional space that recalls recent experiments in contemporary architecture.

It shows how the Carioca’s research was ahead of its time being - as the historians Kennet Frampton and Roberto Segre, and the architects Norman Foster and Iñaki Ábalos, among others - one of the most important influences for the second generation of the architects of the Modern movement.

Author Biography

  • Luca Bullaro

    *Ph.D. Arquitecto. Profesor asociado Facultad de Arquitectura. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín. lucabullaro@hotmail.com


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