Transition design and territorial intelligence. Approaches for the regeneration of the agency in the Anthropocene era.


  • Blanca Miedes Ugarte



socioecological transition, human agency, knowledge and action


This text addresses one of the major emergencies of the Anthropocene: the need for regeneration of human agency, through better integration between knowledge and action, in order to address crucial socio-ecological challenges. Two fields of action- research, territorial intelligence and transitions design, which share their focus on this kind of integration with different but complementary approaches are briefly presented. Synergies that can be established between them regarding revitalization of the agency are discussed. The conclusion is that there is great spot for cooperation in this regard since both fields share mindsets and objectives and the methods and tools of each field are complementary and mutually reinforcing.

Author Biography

  • Blanca Miedes Ugarte

    Doctora en Economía y Profesora Titular por la Universidad de Huelva. Investigadora del Centro de Investigación Internacional en Inteligencia Territorial de dicha universidad.


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