Natural lighting strategies in the design of affordable housing: the Mihouse case, Solar Decathlon 2015


  • Lucas Arango Díaz
  • Olga Lucía Montoya Flórez
  • Laura Rendón Gaviria
  • Luisa Fernanda Callejas Ochoa


Economic housing, Daylighting, solar decathlon, lighting performance


In the design of low cost housing without air conditioned incorporated, the design of windows for guaranteeing adequate lighting levels seems to be an efficient architectonic strategy. In that context, computational simulation results to be an invaluable resource for predicting luminous performance. With the aim to obtain reliable and useful results in daylighting simulation, it´s important, among other, to specify adequate sky types and to use correct metrics. This paper describes the daylight incorporation process into Solar Decathlon 2015´s MIHOUSE prototype and evidences the difficulties founded in the daylight performance evaluation process by using Daylight Factor in the municipality of Cali, Colombia.

Author Biographies

  • Lucas Arango Díaz

    Arq. Lucas Arango Díaz: Magíster en Arquitectura y Urbanismo con énfasis en comportamiento ambiental de espacios urbanos y edificaciones. Universidad de San Buenaventura, Medellín.

  • Olga Lucía Montoya Flórez

    Arq. Olga Lucía Montoya Flórez. Magister en Arquitectura. Crítica y Proyecto. Magister en Gestión Ambiental del Desarrollo Urbano.

  • Laura Rendón Gaviria

    Arq. Laura Rendón Gaviria; Magister en Arquitectura y Urbanismo con énfasis en comportamiento ambiental de espacios urbanos y edificaciones. Universidad de San Buenaventura, Medellín.

  • Luisa Fernanda Callejas Ochoa

    Arq. Luisa Fernanda Callejas Ochoa. Universidad del Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile.


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