Sensitive appraisal of the townscape: The experience of Sarmiento park in Córdoba city


  • Ricardo Riveros Celis
  • Lucas Períes




The paper develops a concrete landscape assessment experience. It is applied to Sarmiento Park in Córdoba city, Argentina. The methodological strategy
responds to the encounter and integration of two landscape assessment techniques, coming from the work of professionals belonging to different contexts and organizations: The Instituto del Paisaje - Universidad Católica de Córdoba (Argentina) and the Corporación Patrimonio y Paisaje (Chile). Both teams have accomplished practices and landscape studies for more than ten years and their knowledge is strengthened when they are linked. The carried out assessment process allows to develop an experience of citizen participation in direct contact with the urban socio-spatial reality. The procedures and tools used are presented here, together with the obtained results.

Author Biographies

  • Ricardo Riveros Celis

    Magíster en Urbanismo por la Universidad de Chile, 2015. Arquitecto del Paisaje INACAP, 2004.

  • Lucas Períes

    Doctor en Arquitectura por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2015. Magíster en Paisaje por la Universidad Católica de Córdoba, 2006. Arquitecto por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2000.


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