Los colectivos como aporte al proceso pedagógico en diseño
Collective groups, competences, educate, e, problemic nucleus, thematic agreementAbstract
This article suggest that objective way as the collective of teachers and students, made in theprogram of Industrial Design, are some instruments that revitalize the pedagogicproceedings on to permeate in direct way the academic work, showing from the educativeproject of the program as was the origin to this proposal of thematic articulation betweenthe different courses from the problemic nucleus defined for each semester in the first phaseof the curricular plain. Also it refer to the way of operation of this collectives, theirintentions, overtakes, competences, participants, achievements, troubles and finally asbeginning from the reflections and agreements in this collectives it could obtain a new way toassume the roles of teachers and educated of designers for the new world on theglobalization times actually. The writer is based principally on the acts of the meetings and onthe notes made during his active participation in the collectives of the firsts three semestersof the program for a time that it developed.
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