Paisajes Culturales: Un caso de estudio en la región cafetera del Centro Occidente de Colombia
Cultural landscapes, patrimonial systems, geographical models, patrimonial appreciationAbstract
This paper intends to expose the process of investigation and cultural management ofinterinstitutional and interdisciplinary character, that took place in the department ofRisaralda around the “demarcation” of the cultural coffee landscape of the west centralregion of Colombia, and that nowadays is very relevant with the presentation in February2010 by the ministry of culture before UNESCO, of the file that wants to support theoutstanding character of this area of the Colombian territory as a good of cultural interestwhich has a worldwide representation.This way the aspects related to the bond that wasestablished by some organizations around the Project are covered, the convenience of havingthis initiative of assessment of the coffee culture as a strategy of development for the regionand particularly the aspects related to the conceptualization and definition of the attributesthat allow to comprehend the coffee culture as a heritage system that is supported in theexistence of cultural values and generate the basis on which the geographical model wasbased, from which the “demarcation” was obtained, divided into their principal and booferareas.
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