Diseño, Artesanía y Estética
Crafts, aesthetic, identity, job, crafts objectAbstract
This paper arises from an investigative process in which it was wanted to understand thesymbolic forms developed in the job of carving, which requested, at a first stage, a process ofapproach and recognition to the crafstman as the center of the qualitative analysis of thesystems of the stories of their life. Also, in a second place to know the form of the jobthrough records that talk about the regional crafts process and its products related to thesocial-cultural contexts which finally condition and determine the features of the aestheticcraft object. It is proposed in this paper, the analysis of the craving, and the aesthetic formsidentified in the object done by the craftsmen of Santa Rosa de Cabal, to know the forms thatcharacterize the object, as a product, to discover the dynamics of creation, the traditions andidentities that remain in time and how through the contemporary aesthetic forms thecomposer forms can be read. To do this, in a first stage, a general characterization of thecrafts job is developed; in a second stage the aesthetic categories of the crafts are presented;and finally the relational cast that evidence the type of objects found.
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