La piel de la arquitectura


  • Juan David Chávez Giraldo


Architectural language, form, tectonics, materiality


The text makes an analytical reflection about architecture's materiality as the means by whichsymbolic intentions of the spatial experience are manifested in the concrete world.Supported on Pere Salabert's thesis from his book “Pintura anémica, cuerpo suculento”, theapplicability of the presence of an architecture enticing tectonics through a manifestexpressivity is made evident, in contrast to another architecture that makes all kinds ofefforts to abstract from the world to simply become austere rationality

Author Biography

  • Juan David Chávez Giraldo

    Arquitecto, Magíster en Historia del Arte. Profesor Titular de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y docente catedràtico de la Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana U.P.B.


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