Diseño y artesanía: acerca de la racionalidad de la técnica
Industrial design, craft, philosophy of the technique, Gillo Dorfles, Otl AicherAbstract
In this text I approach the philosophical question for the technique from the perspective of the industrial design in connection with the craft. What I will try to show is that the modern technique is not of his more rational than the handmade technique, but rather what operates there is a very different idea of rationality with decisive ethical and political implications.
To expose this idea I will present a contrast among the positions of some theoretical ones of the design, fundamentally Gillo Dorfles and Otl Aicher in who it seems hardly subtle the difference in the ways that have of understanding the tasks of the design, their technical dimension and their relationship with the art, but that in fact, like intent to show, almost they oppose you in a crucial point: that of the paper that can even play the handmade technique in connection with the design.
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