Espacio público y patrimonio. Avances sobre los procesos de gestión del espacio público en el “Área Sur” de Buenos Aires


  • María Sol Quiroga


Public spaces, cultural heritage, urban management, identity


The goal of this work is to remark and to make a review of the presence of a set of urban goods with historical, cultural and environmental value that allow to rebuild the public spaces generation and management process, linked to the institutional, economic and social evolution of the Argentina Republic, especially at the Buenos Aires city and its metropolitan area. In this approach to the constitution of public spaces it will be considered the signs of the growth and transformation of the territory, as well as significant aspects of the socio-cultural point of view.

Author Biography

  • María Sol Quiroga

    Investigadora del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas y Arte Americano Mario Buschiazzo de la Facultad de Arquitectura Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Profesora e investigadora de las Universidades Nacionales de Lanús y Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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Atlas Ambiental De Buenos Aires 2004 – 2006.Disponible En:





