Youth and ICT: a look from everyday life


  • Diana Carolina Calvo Marín
  • Daniel Humberto Ospina Ospina


Youth, Digital Native, Digital Immigrant, ICT use


The active participation of young people in the use of ICTmakes them to be attached to the category of “digital natives”.On the opposite bank, there are the “digital immigrants” foruse both as age. In this new scenario, an objective arisesaiming to characterize the relationships that a group ofyoung students has with ICT in their everyday life in the cityof Pereira. This research supports the conclusion that nightand home time and space are young preferred for the use ofICT, who are not experts in the managing of all applicationsand sometimes require technological assistance from the socalled “immigrants.” This allows the debate about importedtheories and the naturalization of the same in our context,and thus to contribute to the discovery of the actual use ofICT in everyday life for these young people.

Author Biographies

  • Diana Carolina Calvo Marín

    Licenciada en Educación Español y ComunicaciónAudiovisual (UTP),Especialista en Edumática(UCP) y Magíster en Pedagogía y Desarrollo Humano (UCP).

  • Daniel Humberto Ospina Ospina

    Tecnólogo Químico(UTP), Ingeniero de Alimentos (UNAD),Especialista en Edumática(UCP) y Magíster en Pedagogía y Desarrollo Humano (UCP).


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