Saying of the medicine and saying on the mental health
Medical speech, psychoanalytic speech, mental healthAbstract
The present paper tries to give to a panorama of the divergences between the medical speech and the psychoanalytic speech, and for this reason it starts of two questions: ¿which is the position that adopts the medicine and as the psychoanalysis with respect to the mental health?, but in addition, ¿which is the ethic position of the medicine and the psychoanalysis as far as the mental health? Having in reference these questionings, it establishes some discussions around both positions, allowing of certain way consider explaining different ways of intervention and performance. Within the medical speech, a scientific position becomes evident, being important to make as an object the symptom that the subject suffers, using the manuals of diagnose that they make possible to give an exact and objective judgment of which occurs. With respect to the lacanian psychoanalytic speech, we found whereupon the symptom has sense, and in this direction the one is the subject that he must decipher his unconscious content, but at the same time that content is singular. Despite so that this deciphering produces, it exists an ethics, and it is the ethics of Well-to say, and is there where the speech of analyst receives value.
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