Urban mobility as a method for creation and consolidation of centralities
Centralities, mobility, Pereira, MegabusAbstract
This document, exposes how the system of mobility in a city, in this case Pereira, consolidates, creates and articulates, the old and new centralities displayed in the city. These new points are equipped of services for the citizens, and what a transit system like Megabús does to complement existing centralities causing the appearance of new ones and integrating them into a one effective system for the city.
This allows structuring the space for a better disposition of order, from where the space is well thought-out and society is organized, constituted in a category of fundamental analysis.
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Disponible en: http://www.olacchi.org/downloads/Seminario%20Internacional%20la%20Centralidad%20Urbana.pdf. Recuperado: 17- mayo-2011)
Disponible en: http://es.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080506092629AA3lO5Z. Recuperado: 18-mayo- 2011
Disponible en: http://www.banrepcultural.org/blaavirtual/modosycostumbres/per/per12.htm. Recuperado 18-mayo-2011
Disponible en: http://laip.sinaloa.gob.mx/NR/rdonlyres/775C4239-A295-448D-82FF-7AD6F423A500/0/JordiBorja.pdf. Recuperado: 19-mayo-2011
Disponible en: http://www.megabus.gov.co/rutas.html. Recuperado: 19-mayo-2011