Hacía un modo de Desarrollo Humano con Libertad y Felicidad Una alternativa a la sociedad excluyente y cerrada del siglo 20
Economic model, Globalization, Development model, Capitalism, Humanism, Liberty, HappinessAbstract
This paper proposes to replace as category of analysis the narrow concept of economic model by the wider concept of «mode of development», as the particular form that a society satisfies the spiritual, social and material needs of its members. This mode of development supposes a new political economy, supported on the idea that human creativity and innovation are the main factors of production. As an alternative to the excluding and closed society of twenty century, this paper indicates the minimum characteristics in order to get a mode of human development, which must be based on the principles of shared economic growth, regulated competition, freedom and happiness; which requires the joint and complementary action of the State, the market and the social solidarity. Freedom and happiness are not ends in themselves but pathways toward the «humanization of society» in a «globalize humanity». Therefore, the paper proposes some basic ideas and strategic purposes that would help to «build» a society «centered» on the human being, beginning with the necessary redistribution of national income in poor countries in order to get lower levels of poverty and misery.
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