Characterization of the business park of Dosquebradas’ municipality
MiPymes, production function, production factors, productivity, food sector, employment generation.Abstract
This document illustrates the actual stage of the business park in Dosquebradas;as well as the basic legal elements, sales, employment and actives. A censuswas made between July and November of 2015 and it resulted a total of 6.202productive units. In addition, an estimation was made of the productionfunction in Cobb-Douglas type, in order to approach the kind of returns thatthe municipality’s corporations have. As a conclusion, it was found that thebusiness park is shaped mainly of micro-enterprises, from which the sectorof “restaurants” is the one that generates the most direct employments. Onthe other hand, the one that generates the most indirect employments is“elaboration of food products”. The results about the kind of returns to scale,indicate they are continual.
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