Macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of water quality in La Calaboza stream (Yopal, Casanare)
This study presents the characterization of macroinvertebrates colonizing La Calaboza creek (an important hydric system from Casanare department), to determine the status of water quality and to improve understanding of the native entomofauna, in response to summer and winter conditions. The macroinvertebrates were collected from six sampling stations and identified at the family level. And also, their relationship with various physicochemical variables was established. The environmental status was determined by the application of three biotic indices: BMWP, ASPT, and EPT. Despite the impact of anthropogenic activities, the water quality of the stream was classified as acceptable or good. Regardless of the season, Ephemeróptera was the predominant order in most of the selected stations. However, the winter period presented the lowest biotic indexes, associated with a different distribution of individuals and low diversity, as a result of fluctuations in the physicochemical state of the water. It is concluded that the environmental status of the study area is highly influenced by the change of period, presenting greater susceptibility in winter conditions
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