Entre el khôra platónico y el topos aristotélico Una aproximación hacia la construcción teórica del espacio público
Architecture, public space, philosophy and space, theory of the architecture and the cityAbstract
Frequently reflects the concern about the importance of theoretical reflections that have todo with architecture. Above these reasons, it is pertinent to deal, before the particular issueof public space as architectural act individually or as a product of culture, thought thataccompanies it. It would not be wise to imply that the architects have trivialized the problemof space, what is certain is that in a broad spectrum have not taken a position against himand have taken as a given, as a working tool whose function is more instrumental than anyother and, on the other side, there has been a constant concern to generate deep and criticaldiscussions on the subject. Is the case then consider that this type of theoretical reflectionsshould not be in the foreground from the architecture, which is why it is viable to make themfirst from philosophy.
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